CRU White Sturgeon Caviar

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Acipenser Transmontanus

American White Sturgeon

White Sturgeons still swim wild through the lakes and rivers that drain to the Pacific ocean, from Washington state down through northern California. This caviar, however, comes from sustainable farms where the goal is to help protect the wild populations and control factors like water quality and feed, leading to the best quality of White Sturgeon caviar possible. You'd most likely find this same caviar in the finest US restaurants, but now it's available for you from the comfort of your own home.

White sturgeon caviar is typically graded into 4-5 levels of quality. We pack only the best for CЯU label, so expect the top grade with slight color variations.


Flavor: Nutty, earthy, velvety finish
Egg Size: Medium to large
Color(s): Dark amber brown to light golden jade
Species: Acipenser Transmontanus
Common Name(s): White Sturgeon, Pacific Sturgeon
Shelf Life: Three weeks refrigerated, unopened.

Our White Sturgeon the following American farms:

The Fishery, Mt. Lassen, Sterling LLC , Tsar Nicoulai, California Caviar Company


*Your caviar will be packed to order, choosing the best caviar in stock for you based on seasonal harvest availability, grades, quality: flavor, texture, salinity, size, color, firmness, age, 'pop' etc.

Shipping: Perishable – ships UPS overnight with insulated packing - Free shipping on all caviar orders